The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Right ABA Therapy Provider for Your Child

Find the best ABA therapist for your child's needs. Our guide simplifies autism therapy provider selection to ensure effective ABA therapy outcomes.

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Here’s an overview:

Introduction to ABA and Its Importance in Autism Treatment

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapeutic strategy based on the principles of behavioral psychology. It is known for its effectiveness in treating individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ABA focuses on improving specific behaviors, such as social skills, communication, reading, and adaptability to changes in routine. Additionally, it aims to reduce behaviors that are harmful or affect learning.

The core importance of ABA in autism treatment lies in its well-documented success in fostering positive behaviors and diminishing undesired ones. Here are some key reasons why ABA is considered crucial in the context of autism treatment:

  • Empirical Support: ABA has a significant amount of empirical support. Studies have shown that it can lead to substantial improvements in the lives of children with autism, including higher IQ scores and enhanced communication skills.

  • Customization: ABA therapy is highly customized for each child. Therapists assess the child’s specific needs and develop a tailored treatment plan to address those needs effectively.

  • Skill Acquisition: Through ABA therapy, children with autism can learn a variety of skills that are crucial for their daily life, ranging from basic self-care to more complex social interactions.

  • Positive Reinforcement: ABA uses positive reinforcement, which rewards desirable behaviors. This makes it more likely for these behaviors to occur in the future.

  • Data-Driven Approach: Progress is continuously measured and the therapy is adjusted accordingly to ensure that the strategies employed are yielding desired outcomes.

Choosing the right ABA therapy provider is therefore a pivotal decision for parents and guardians. The provider must not only deliver high-quality ABA that aligns with best practice guidelines but also operate in a manner that matches the child’s needs and respects the family’s values.

Understanding the Role of a Qualified ABA Therapist

When considering Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for a child with autism or other developmental conditions, comprehending the role of a qualified ABA therapist is central to making an informed decision. ABA therapists, often board-certified behavior analysts (BCBAs) or registered behavior technicians (RBTs), are trained professionals who implement interventions rooted in the principles of behavior analysis.

Primary Responsibilities

A qualified ABA therapist ought to:

  • Assess and Evaluate: Initially assess a child’s behavior and development to create a personalized treatment plan.

  • Plan Development: Design and revise tailored intervention plans to address specific behavioral goals.

  • Implement Interventions: Utilize various ABA techniques to encourage desirable behaviors and reduce unwanted ones.

Therapy Execution

During therapy, a qualified ABA therapist will:

  • Data Collection and Analysis: Track progress and adjust methodologies based on data-driven results.

  • Family Involvement: Actively involve family members in the therapeutic process, training them to reinforce positive behaviors at home.

  • Ethical Conduct: Adhere to a high standard of professional ethics and confidentiality.

Professional Expertise

A qualified ABA therapist should:

  • Have in-depth knowledge of ABA principles and techniques.
  • Hold relevant certifications (e.g., BCBA, RBT) and adhere to ongoing training and education requirements.
  • Possess skills in communication, problem-solving, and adaptability to cater to unique client needs.

Choosing the right ABA therapist can significantly impact the effectiveness of the therapy. Parents and caregivers should ensure that the therapist they select is not only credentialed but also experienced in working with children on the autism spectrum and is capable of fostering a supportive and productive environment for growth and learning.

Credential 1: Educational Background in Behavioral Analysis

When selecting the right Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy provider, it is essential to consider the educational credentials of the potential therapist. A strong educational foundation in behavioral analysis is indicative of a provider’s expertise and knowledge in the field. This educational background typically involves the following components:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: While a bachelor’s degree in psychology, education, or a related field is often the first step, it does not solely qualify an individual to practice as an ABA therapist.

  • Master’s or Doctoral Degree: Most qualified ABA therapists will have an advanced degree in psychology or education with a specialized focus on behavior analysis. This is critical as it denotes an in-depth understanding of behavioral principles and their application.

  • Board Certification: Look for therapists who are Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs). This certification is provided by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) and is a widely recognized standard in the field. To obtain this credential, individuals must have a relevant graduate degree, complete specific coursework in behavior analysis, and pass a comprehensive exam.

  • Continuing Education: ABA is a field that continually evolves with new research and techniques. Professionals should engage in ongoing education to stay current in the field.

  • Specialized Training: Providers may have additional training in specific techniques or with certain populations, such as children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Specialized training can enhance a therapist’s ability to tailor their approach to your child’s unique needs.

When evaluating a therapist’s educational background, one should not only look at the degrees and certifications they hold but also the reputation of the institutions from which they graduated. Top-tier universities or programs with high standards for ABA training are often more likely to produce competent and knowledgeable therapy providers.

Credential 2: Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Certification

When selecting the right Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy provider for your child, it is important to ensure that the professionals involved have the appropriate credentials. Among the most critical qualifications to look for is the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) certification. This credential is a testament to the provider’s expertise and commitment to the field of behavior analysis.

BCBAs are graduate-level practitioners who have met the rigorous standards set by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). To become a BCBA, an individual must:

  • Hold a minimum of a master’s degree from an accredited university in behavior analysis, education, or psychology.
  • Complete a designated number of hours of graduate-level coursework in behavior analysis.
  • Fulfill a supervised practical experience requirement, which involves a specific number of hours of hands-on work under the supervision of an already certified BCBA.
  • Pass the comprehensive BCBA examination, which covers the principles of learning and behavior, assessment techniques, and intervention strategies.

The BACB certification is recognized globally and ensures that the behavior analyst adheres to the ethical standards and best practices in the field. BCBAs are trained to work with individuals with a variety of behavior challenges, including those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They are equipped to conduct behavioral assessments, analyze data, create behavior intervention plans, and supervise the implementation of these plans.

Working with a BCBA-certified provider ensures that your child’s therapy is guided by the latest research and is delivered in a professional and ethical manner. Parents should feel encouraged to inquire about the credentials of their potential ABA providers and to verify a professional’s certification on the BACB’s official website for added assurance.

Credential 3: State Licensure and Regulations Compliance

When selecting an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy provider, it’s crucial to assess their compliance with state licensure and regulations. ABA practitioners must adhere to specific licensure requirements that vary by state. Ensuring that the provider complies with these standards is pivotal for the safety and quality of the therapy your child receives.

  • Verification of Licensure: The ABA provider should be able to present a current and valid license issued by the state regulatory board that oversees behavioral health practitioners. Verify this information independently by contacting the state board or checking online databases that list licensed professionals.

  • Understanding of State Regulations: ABA providers must be well-versed in the state regulations that govern their practice. This includes understanding the scope of practice, client rights, mandatory reporting requirements, and professional conduct standards.

  • Adherence to Ethical Guidelines: Compliance with licensure and state regulations is intertwined with ethical practice. Inquire about the provider’s adherence to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) guidelines, which stipulate ethical responsibilities to clients.

  • Ongoing Education and Training: States often require continued education and training as part of licensure renewal. The provider should engage in regular professional development to stay updated on the latest ABA methods and ethical considerations.

  • Insurance and Billing Compliance: Verify that the ABA provider is familiar with state insurance mandates for autism therapy coverage, if applicable, and is capable of compliant billing practices.

Parents should not hesitate to request documentation or evidence of compliance with state licensure and regulations. A reputable ABA therapy provider will understand the importance of these credentials and willingly furnish such information. By ensuring that a provider upholds these standards, parents can have added assurance of the provider’s professionalism and commitment to high-quality care for their child.

Credential 4: Continuing Education and Professional Development

When evaluating an ABA therapy provider, it is essential to consider their dedication to continuing education and professional development. The field of applied behavior analysis is dynamic, with ongoing research and emerging best practices. Providers must actively engage in continuing education to stay current with the latest advancements and ensure they are delivering the highest quality of care.

  • Mandatory Continuing Education: Ascertain if the provider meets the minimum continuing education requirements as stipulated by their certifying board, such as the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB).

  • Advanced Training: Look for providers who go beyond the minimum and invest in advanced training programs, workshops, or additional certifications that are relevant to ABA therapy.

  • Professional Memberships: Active membership in professional bodies such as the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) signals a commitment to ongoing professional development and adherence to ethical guidelines.

  • Conference Attendance: Participation in national and international conferences allows providers to learn from and collaborate with other professionals in the field, which can enhance their practice.

  • In-Service Training: Verify whether the provider offers or requires regular in-service training for their staff, as this demonstrates a commitment to nurturing a skilled and knowledgeable team.

  • Evidence-Based Practice: Inquire about the provider’s approach to incorporating new evidence-based practices into their treatment plans. A robust professional development program should translate into practical applications that benefit clients.

By thoroughly investigating a provider’s commitment to continuing education and professional development, parents can be more confident in selecting a provider who is up-to-date with state-of-the-art ABA methodologies and dedicated to offering the most effective therapy for their child.

Credential 5: Hands-On Experience and Supervised Practice

When selecting the right ABA therapy provider for your child, assessing the extent of hands-on experience and supervised practice of potential therapists is vital. Practical experience is a cornerstone of effective ABA therapy, as it directly impacts the quality of care your child will receive. Here’s what to look for:

  • Accumulated Hours: Determine how many hours of direct practice each therapist has logged. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) requires Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) to complete 40 hours of training, while Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) need to accumulate a significant number of supervised hours.

  • Quality of Supervision: Scrutinize the supervision that therapists received during their training. High-quality supervision by experienced BCBAs ensures a therapist has been adequately molded to apply ABA principles effectively.

  • Diversity of Experience: Inquire about the variety of settings in which the therapist has practiced, such as schools, clinics, and in-home environments. A diverse background provides a more adaptable approach to tackling the unique needs of your child.

  • Ongoing Professional Development: Ascertain whether therapists engage in continuous learning and professional development. This dedication illustrates a commitment to staying current with the latest ABA research and techniques.

  • References and Testimonials: Ask for references or testimonials from parents whose children have been under the care of the therapist. Firsthand accounts give insight into the practical experience and the quality of interactions with children.

Parents should feel confident in the ABA therapy provider’s ability to bring about positive behavior change through extensive hands-on practice and supervision. It is this foundation that cultivates a well-rounded, competent ABA therapist capable of addressing the diverse and dynamic needs of children with developmental disorders.

The Intersection of Credentials and Quality ABA Therapy

When searching for the right Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy provider for your child, it is crucial to understand how professional credentials intersect with the quality of care provided. Credentials serve as a benchmark for the minimum standards of practice and ensure that the therapist has undergone the necessary training to deliver effective and ethical ABA therapy.

  • Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) are professionals who have met rigorous educational and training standards and are recognized for their expertise in ABA. A provider with BCBAs on staff indicates a commitment to a high level of competency and knowledge in the field.

  • State licensing is another important credential that varies by region. Some states require ABA therapists to be licensed, ensuring they adhere to state-specific standards for practice.

  • Ongoing professional development and continuing education are indicators of a therapy provider’s dedication to staying updated with the latest research and techniques in ABA therapy. Providers should demonstrate a commitment to ongoing learning to refine their skills and enhance the quality of care.

Parents and caregivers should be aware that while credentials are essential, they are only one component of quality care. The provider’s approach to therapy, their experience with specific behaviors or challenges, and their ability to build a strong rapport with your child are just as vital in the selection process. They should also offer personalized services, tailored to each child’s unique needs, and provide comprehensive support for families, including training and resources to reinforce strategies at home.

In summary, the intersection of credentials and quality ABA therapy is a critical consideration when selecting a provider. Parents should look for accredited professionals who also demonstrate a holistic and individualized approach to their child’s therapy.

Evaluating Therapist Fit Beyond Credentials

When selecting an ABA therapy provider for your child, looking beyond credentials to evaluate therapist fit is essential. Here are factors to consider:

  • Rapport with Your Child: How well does the therapist engage with your child? A good fit will be someone your child feels comfortable and at ease with.

  • Communication Style: Successful therapy involves clear communication. The therapist should be able to explain concepts in a way that you and your child understand.

  • Approach to Therapy: Therapists have different approaches. Some may be more structured, while others are more flexible. Consider which style suits your child’s needs.

  • Values and Beliefs: Look for a therapist whose values align with your family’s. This helps ensure consistency and a supportive environment for your child.

  • Cultural Competence: The therapist should be competent in dealing with diverse backgrounds and sensitive to your family’s cultural context.

  • Feedback and Collaboration: Good therapists welcome collaboration with parents and provide regular feedback. They should see you as a partner in your child’s progress.

  • Observation and Interaction: Request to observe a session or, if possible, involve your child in a trial session. This first-hand experience can give you better insight into how the therapist interacts with clients.

  • Professional Development: A therapist committed to their own learning is a positive sign. They should engage in continuous professional development to keep their skills sharp.

  • Compatibility with Life Logistics: Practical aspects like location, availability, and session timing also impact the long-term fit for your family. Ensure these logistical details align with your needs.

Choosing a therapist for your child is about finding a balance between professional expertise and a supportive, personalized connection. It’s important to trust your instincts and take note of how your child responds to the therapist. A good fit goes beyond credentials; it is about the therapist’s ability to provide effective, compassionate, and individualized care for your child.

Questions to Ask Potential ABA Therapists About Their Qualifications

When seeking an ABA therapist for your child, you want to ensure they are highly qualified and a good fit for your family. Here are essential questions to ask:

  • What are your educational qualifications in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?
    Ask for specifics about degrees and certifications to verify that they are trained in ABA therapy.

  • Are you board-certified as a BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst)?
    A BCBA certification is often considered a gold standard in the field.

  • How many years of experience do you have working with children with autism?
    Experience is crucial in handling the various challenges that can arise during therapy.

  • Can you provide references from families you have worked with?
    References can give insights into the therapist’s effectiveness and rapport with children.

  • Have you undergone any recent training or continued education?
    Continued education ensures the therapist is up-to-date with the latest ABA therapy techniques.

  • How do you individualize treatment plans?Understanding the therapist’s approach to tailoring treatment will tell you how your child’s unique needs will be addressed.

  • What procedures do you have in place for monitoring progress?
    Progress monitoring is a key component of any successful ABA therapy program.

  • How do you handle challenging behavior during sessions?
    This helps you understand their strategies for addressing and reducing problem behaviors.

  • What is your approach to parent training and involvement?
    ABA therapy often involves the family, and knowing the therapist’s expectations for your involvement is important.

  • Do you collaborate with other professionals (e.g., speech therapists, occupational therapists)?
    Multidisciplinary approaches can be beneficial for a child’s overall development.

These questions are a starting point to ensure you select an ABA therapist whose qualifications match your child’s needs and your expectations as a parent.

The Role of Ethics and Professionalism in ABA Practice

In the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), the adherence to a strict set of ethical principles and the demonstration of professionalism are paramount. Selecting the right ABA therapy provider for your child entails ensuring that they not only possess the requisite training and experience but also uphold the highest standards of ethical practice and professional integrity.

  • Ethical behavior in ABA is governed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB) Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. This code stipulates responsible conduct, adherence to laws and regulations, and the prioritization of client welfare. When evaluating potential providers, parents should verify the provider’s compliance with these ethical standards.

  • Professionalism in ABA incorporates a continuous commitment to learning and applying evidence-based practices. ABA providers must remain informed about the latest research developments and integrate them into their therapeutic approaches to ensure the most effective outcomes for clients.

  • Confidentiality is another cornerstone of professionalism in the ABA practice. Personal and sensitive information concerning the child and family must be safeguarded, handled with the utmost discretion, and disclosed only with appropriate consent or as required by law.

  • Cultural competency is an essential aspect of ethical ABA practice. Providers should respect and acknowledge the diversity of families they serve by adapting practices to fit the child’s and family’s cultural context.

  • Parental collaboration is part of ethical ABA practice. A reputable ABA provider will engage parents as partners in the therapy process, ensuring transparency in decision-making and respecting the parent’s insights and goals for their child.

By ensuring that an ABA therapy provider not only meets the necessary qualifications but also embodies a strong ethical and professional foundation, parents can be more confident in their selection and more assured that their child will receive the high-quality care they deserve.

When seeking an ABA therapy provider for a child, understanding insurance coverage and evaluating therapist credentials are critical steps that can greatly influence the accessibility and quality of care received.

For insurance considerations, parents should:

  • Contact their insurance provider to verify coverage for ABA therapy.
  • Ask about out-of-pocket expenses, such as deductibles and copayments.
  • Inquire about any limitations regarding the number of sessions or duration of therapy covered.
  • Understand the pre-authorization process for ABA services if applicable.

It is essential to understand that not all insurance policies provide coverage for ABA therapy, or there may be restrictions based on the plan or the state’s insurance mandates. Hence, checking with the insurance company is a necessary first step.

When evaluating a therapist’s credentials, parents should verify that the provider is:

  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) certified, which is a nationally recognized certification for ABA therapists.
  • Licensed in the state where they are practicing, if state licensure is required.
  • Experienced in working with children with autism and related disorders.
  • Participating in continuous education to stay abreast of the latest ABA practices and autism research.

It’s advisable to conduct background checks on the potential ABA therapy provider to ensure that they have a clean professional history. Resources like the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) can be used to verify certifications. Consulting with other families who have worked with the therapist can also provide insights into their effectiveness and approach to therapy. By carefully navigating both insurance and therapist credentials, parents can more confidently select an ABA therapy provider that meets their child’s individual needs.

Incorporating Parent and Caregiver Involvement in ABA Therapy

Parent and caregiver involvement is a cornerstone of successful Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. When caregivers are actively engaged in the therapy process, they can reinforce learned behaviors and skills outside of therapy sessions, facilitating greater consistency and progress.

  • Education and Training: ABA providers should offer education and training sessions for parents and caregivers. This helps them understand ABA principles and how to apply them effectively at home.

  • Collaborative Goal Setting: Involving caregivers in setting therapy goals ensures that these targets are relevant to the child’s daily life and family routine. This alignment promotes a more unified approach to the child’s development.

  • Regular Communication: Effective providers maintain open lines of communication with families. Regular updates on the child’s progress and collaborative discussions are vital for staying informed and making necessary adjustments to the therapy plan.

  • Home Visits: Some ABA therapists conduct sessions in the home environment. This provides an opportunity for parents to observe therapy in action and learn techniques firsthand.

  • Homework Assignments: Caregivers might be given “homework” – tasks to practice with the child between therapy sessions. These assignments reinforce skills and create more opportunities for learning and growth.

  • Support Groups and Resources: Providers may facilitate or recommend support groups for parents and caregivers. These groups can offer emotional support, as well as practical tips from others in similar situations.

Incorporating parent and caregiver involvement ensures that the child receives a holistic therapeutic experience, with continuity between ABA sessions and everyday life. Therefore, when selecting an ABA therapy provider, make sure the provider has a framework for effectively involving you in your child’s therapeutic journey.

The Future of ABA Therapy and Emerging Credentialing Standards

As the demand for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy grows, the future points toward more robust credentialing standards to ensure high-quality services. The field is evolving rapidly, with a focus on evidence-based practices that require therapists to engage in continuous education.

Developments in Credentialing Standards:

  • Increased Requirements: Expectations for certification are set to rise. Clinicians may be required to demonstrate more advanced competencies and ongoing professional development to maintain their credentials.
  • Specialization Recognition: We may see the development of specialty areas within ABA, with specific credentials that recognize expertise in areas such as autism, behavior in school settings, or gerontology.
  • International Standards: The push for international credentialing uniformity will likely grow, facilitating the global recognition of ABA professionals and ensuring consistency in therapy quality worldwide.

Importance for Therapy Providers:

ABA therapy providers should stay ahead of these trends by:

  1. Investing in Professional Development: Providers must prioritize ongoing education to keep up with emerging practices and ethical standards.
  2. Adapting to Change: Agile adaptation to new standards will be critical. Providers should prepare to update their credentials and train staff accordingly.
  3. Engaging with Research: Contributing to and staying informed about the latest ABA research will be essential for providers to offer cutting-edge services.

Implications for Parents:

Parents seeking ABA therapy should:

  • Verify the credentials of potential ABA therapists to ensure they conform to current and forthcoming standards.
  • Look for providers that emphasize the importance of evidence-based practices and professional development.
  • Expect transparency from providers regarding their adherence to emerging credentialing standards.

As the credentialing landscape shifts, it becomes imperative that ABA therapy providers and parents alike remain cognizant of these changes to facilitate the best possible outcomes for those receiving therapy.

Conclusion: Ensuring the Best Outcome for ABA Therapy

Ensuring that your child receives the best outcome from ABA therapy involves several key steps:

  • Consistent Evaluation: Continually assess the progress of your child and the efficacy of the therapeutic interventions. This allows for adjustments to be made as needed.
  • Open Communication: Maintain a clear and open line of communication with the ABA therapy provider. This includes discussing goals, expectations, and any concerns that may arise.
  • Parental Involvement: Be an active participant in your child’s therapy. Understanding and reinforcing the techniques used during ABA sessions at home can enhance the overall success of the therapy.
  • Professional Development: Ensure that the ABA provider you choose is committed to ongoing professional development and stays updated on the latest research and techniques in the field.
  • Collaborative Approach: The best outcomes are often achieved when there is a collaborative effort between the ABA therapists, parents, and other educators or professionals involved in the child’s development.
  • Routine Monitoring: Regularly monitor and record your child’s behavior and skills outside of therapy sessions. This data can be invaluable for the therapy provider in tailoring the intervention to your child’s needs.
  • Sustainability Planning: Work with the provider to create a long-term plan that supports your child’s continuous growth and the eventual transition out of therapy if appropriate.

Selecting the right ABA therapy provider for your child is a decision that can significantly impact their development and quality of life. By taking these steps, you can contribute to ensuring the best possible outcome for your child’s ABA therapy journey. Remember, the goal is not only to find a qualified professional but also to foster an environment that supports your child’s unique needs and continuous development.

Are you considering ABA Therapy for your child? Ruby ABA is the heart of ABA therapy in Ohio. Our caring therapists are highly trained, and committed to giving your child the help they deserve. Take the first step and reach out today, to build a brighter future for your child!

Ruby ABA is a leading provider of ABA therapy (Applied Behavior Analysis) in Cincinnati Ohio, as well as the broader Southwestern and Central Ohio. We combine compassionate care with the highest standards of clinical excellence. We offer one-on-one personalized In-Home ABA therapy, In-Center ABA therapy, and In-School ABA therapy support. We have no waitlist for our ABA therapy services, and services are covered by insurance for children ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

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Parent Testimonials

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Shirley F.
"We're really grateful to Ruby ABA for the incredible steps our child has taken. Their methods and kind therapists have brought out the best in our child"
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Aaron L.
"Ruby ABA has been a game changer for our family. Our son made real progress in his communication skills, thanks to their personalized approach."
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Kesha T.
"Thank you Ruby ABA for all your help and care!"
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Kara D.
"Ruby ABA isn't a service, it's a family. Their support and care have positively impacted our daughter's development in ways we didn't think possible."
*Disclaimer: Names have been changed for privacy purposes. Testimonials were solicited from former clients and are not particular to specific behavior analysts.


What is ABA therapy?
Who is ABA therapy for?
When and where can my child receive ABA therapy?
How are these services paid for?
I’m unsure if ABA therapy is right for my child. What should I do?

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